The Firm acts in particular on behalf of on-line traders, content publishers, advertising agencies, and advertising networks.
The Firm advises on the following aspects of information technology law, communication law, and advertising law:
- Data protection, regulation governing content, and distance selling;
- Advertising: interaction between advertising and intellectual property (advertising links, AdWords campaigns), validation of campaigns, France’s “Sapin law” applicable to advertising agencies;
- Ensuring that websites are compliant with the regulations, upstream prior to creation: trademark management, domain name management, website creation and hosting contracts, mandatory filings made to the French data protection authority (CNIL).
Once websites go live: drafting of general terms and conditions of use, general terms and conditions of sale, partnership agreements, advertising contracts, as well as complaints management.
- Social media and collaboration websites: cyber-squatting, trademark counterfeiting, database infringement, and copyright infringement. Legal action filed against blogs, publishers of web-based content, on the basis of France’s on-line free speech law (LCEN), to have any manifestly illegal content taken down.
The Firm also acts regularly in relation to social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) in the context of specific dispute resolution procedures of litigation in trademark and copyright law;
- Media law: defamation, libel, image rights, privacy rights, liability of the website hosting companies.
The Firm’s enhanced expertise in relation to copyright and trademark law also allows it to handle information technology files which interact with these issues.